Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It's that time of year...

... to start gardening!

So our little town has started this year with community gardens. Now there's apparently been some confusion. I've heard that apparently some people think this means free vegetables for whoever wants 'em. Not so! In this case, it means anyone in the community who hasn't the space for a garden can come reserve a plot & plant what they want & weed & water it, and then eventually harvest it. Most of the other people are older (50+) single ladies, or are in apartments. I have a house (ok, a trailer...) and yard, but the yard isn't very big, and the soil is questionable for planting, as the people who lived here before us had a workshop out in the yard. What this means is that my garden plot is 2x the size of anyone else's, because mostly they are feeding 1 or maybe 2 people, and I have a family of 5. The nice part is that 2 of my friends have plots right next to mine, so we can all be chatty more than we already are, haha.

What I've planted: 3 regular tomato plants, 3 cherry tomato plants, 1 yellow tomato, green & yellow sweet peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, romaine & leaf lettuces, radishes, spinach, and both green & yellow beans. Whew! Lots of work, but it will very tasty when it's all harvestable. Another good thing is that it's halfway across town, so I will get a bit of exercise just going back & forth!


  1. Looks like a great start, Kat! There is nothing better than fresh from the garden tomatoes! You guys must have a relatively short growing season up there, no?

    1. Yeah, ridiculously short. Our last frost date was June 1 this year, can you believe?

  2. Wow! Good for you! I sometimes think about growing something, but then resist the urge. haha. I'd love to have a raised garden bed so I don't have to struggle with digging in my yard, which seems to be full of rocks!

    1. I'm lucky -- as it's in the community (and not just my yard) the raised beds were made for us, which, when you consider how much work that is, is pretty awesome.
